Corporate Social Responsibility

The Group’s contribution to the community has earned appreciation from the public. It has been
conferred the award of “Caring Company Logo” by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service since
2011 in recognition for its remarkable corporate citizenship and contribution to the community.
As a long-term supporter of the Community Chest of Hong Kong, the Group was honored with the
“Award of Merit” and “Award of Distinction” by the Community Chest of Hong Kong for consecutive
years in recognition of its contributions to the well-being of the community.
In environmental protection, the Group was awarded “Green Contractor Award” by Architectural
Services Department, “Considerate Contractors Site Award” and “Outstanding Environmental
Management & Performance Award” in the “Considerate Contractors Site Award Scheme” jointly
organized by Development Bureau and Construction Industry Council. The estates under our
management are widely recognized, including “Class of Excellence” Energywise Label of the “Hong
Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence”, “Excellence Level” Wastewise Certificate of the “Hong
Kong Green Organization Certification” by the Environmental Campaign Committee, and also
“Certificate of Merit” in the “Commendation Scheme on Source Separation of Domestic Waste” by
the Environmental Protection Department.